Derome chose Tanumshede for its strategic location

Läget i Position Väst förenklar transportflödena för Derome


The pieces fell into place when Derome found a factory in Tanumshede. The premises were a perfect fit for the company’s roof truss factory and shop. The strategic location by the E6 makes for easy transports from sawmill and factory to suppliers and customers in West Sweden.

Carl-Tore Bengtsson, CEO of Derome, had been looking for the right location for the company’s new facility for some time. Then he found the right one in Tanumshede. Derome, who manufactures roof trusses, buys their timber from Bohuslän and Dalsland. Being close to their customers in Bohuslän, Dalsland and Värmland is an important part of the company’s business strategy.

“This establishment is key for our development in Bohuslän. Tanumshede is our new region center for Bohuslän and an important logistic node. The closeness to the E6 makes transportation really easy for us. The northern part of Bohuslän is an area with great potential” says Bengtsson.

Derome got access to the 19.000 m2 production plant in November of 2015. A site which had previously been owned by Volvo Cars. Since May of 2016, Derome uses the plant for large scale roof truss manufacturing as well as for storage and shop.

“With 18 people working in manufacturing and 24 working in logistics, transport and sales, our new roof truss factory is one of Sweden’s largest. And, we’re hiring. Our location in the Position West area – one of Sweden’s most beautiful regions, if you ask me – will surely attract both engineers, builders and truckdrivers”, says Bengtsson.

Bengtsson is very pleased with the establishment services the company has obtained from the municipality of Tanum: “The municipality facilitated the process in many ways. They handled our building permit swiftly and made it easy to communicate”.


  • Sweden’s largest family owned wood industry business. The Derome group covers sawmill, shop and manufacturing of construction products, houses and multi-story buildings.
  • Approximately 1600 employees.
  • SEK 4.7 billion turnover in 2015.

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